Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Webinar - U.S. - Japan Perspectives on Space Sustainability

June 12 | 4:00 PM ET

Don't miss this important webinar:
U.S. - Japan Perspectives on Space Sustainability

Join us for an engaging session to explore how both the United States and Japanese space agencies and industry are approaching the challenges of space sustainability. Why do both countries feel it is a priority? How have the government and space agencies taken action to support solutions? What innovations is the industry pursuing and why? What more could be done to collaborate?

Moderated by:
  • Jeff Foust, Senior Staff Writer, SpaceNews
  • Krystal Azelton, Senior Director, Program Planning, Secure World Foundation

The panelists include:
  • Masami Onada, Director, Washington Office, JAXA
  • Ellen Gersten, Deputy Associate Administrator, NASA's Office of Technology, Policy, and Strategy
  • Issei Shinohara, Vice President & General Manager, Aerospace Dept., Mitsubishi International Corporation
  • Dave Hebert, SVP of Marketing and Communications, Astroscale U.S
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