Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Sponsored - Space for Earth: ILA Berlin shows how space missions benefit Earth

Dear Space Community,


To what extent do space missions influence major global issues such as security, crisis prevention, digitalisation, research, innovation, sustainability and climate change? What are the opportunities and challenges of the latest moon and Mars space missions? What are the latest updates on the EU's new IRIS² flagship space programme? From 5 to 9 June these are just some of the questions ILA Berlin will be addressing at Berlin/Brandenburg's airport BER.


The leading trade fair for sustainability, new technology and innovation is this year's largest aerospace exhibition in the EU, gathering representatives of industry, politics, the armed forces and science. ILA covers the industry's entire value chain, with special emphasis on the segments Aviation, Space, Defence & Support, Suppliers and Advanced Air Mobility. After the trade visitor days from 5 to 7 June the show is open to the general public on the weekend of 8 and 9 June.



Space for Earth: ILA Berlin shows how space missions benefit Earth


ILA is where the global space community comes together. Representatives of ministries, agencies, science, aerospace companies and startups will be present and together will highlight innovations and the latest applications for use on Earth and in space. Exhibits will include the climate observation satellites EarthCare and Sentinel-2C as well as the new Ariane 6 rocket booster, all of which are scheduled for launch this year.

The highlight at ILA is the Space Pavilion, which jointly features the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), the European Space Agency (ESA), the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the German aerospace companies in the BDLI. The wide-ranging programme of events featuring high-profile aerospace players will show how space missions can benefit life on Earth. Among the speakers due to attend are ESA Director General Dr. Josef Aschbacher, Federal Government Coordinator of German Aerospace Policy Dr. Anna Christmann, ESA Director of Earth Observation Simonetta Cheli, and DLR CEO Prof. Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla.


From New Space to security for Earth a wide-ranging programme on the ILA STAGE Space

Numerous programme highlights are scheduled on the ILA STAGE Space during the trade visitor days. They include the opening of ILA with prominent figures on Wednesday, 5 June, and ILA Space Day on Thursday, 6 June featuring discussions with high-profile international panelists. Topics will include space debris, green space, international cooperation on space missions, security, new technologies and innovations.

Friday, 7 June is Astronauts´ Day, featuring astronauts onstage talking about their fascinating day-to-day work. The Friday is also Space Hub Day, which will dwell on the prospects of New Space, the emergent commercialisation of space flight. New Space stands for a successful combination of innovative, established space industry companies with new business models, in particular those of startups.



Innovations on the static display


ILA is Europe's most-visited space industry exhibition – which is why space is a key topic on the Static Display. On the weekend for the public an A310 Air Zero G will be shown for example. This specially equipped aircraft made by the French company Novespace is used by the German Aerospace Center. Its pilots will perform an unusual manoeuvre by tracing a parabola-shaped flight path, creating zero gravity for around 22 seconds. This manoeuvre produces gravitational effects similar to those on the moon or Mars, enabling experiments to be carried out.


Tickets to ILA are available online only and are priced at 60 euros for trade visitors and 25 euros for the general public on the weekend of the show.



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